The Economics of Education
General Resources
of Education on the Public's Pocket
Cost of Education
The Rewards of Education in the Workplace

Job, Salary, and Status Differentials


Productivity & Economic Development
Economics of Educational Institutions
The Fiscal Crisis of Higher Education
Productivity / Workload of Educators
Assessment / Reward of Educators
The Controversy over Tenure
Growth / Downsizing in Administration
Employment / Labor Issues in Education
More Info (see policy on
"more info" links)
General Resources
- Howard R. Bowen, The Finance of Higher Education (Berkeley,
CA: Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, 1968)
- K.S. Chalam, Finances, Costs and Productivity of Higher Education
(New Delhi, India: Inter-India, 1986)
- E.A. Hanushek, "The Economics of Schooling," Journal of
Economic Literature 24 (1986): 1141-77
of Education on the Public's Pocket
Cost of Education
- Noam H. Arzt, The Business of Higher Education: The American
University and Its Banking Function (New York: Garland, 1995)

- Charles T. Clotfelter, Buying the Best: Cost Escalation in Elite
Higher Education (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1996)
- The Dearing Report (UK) (see
Featured Controversy) (the most controversial feature of the
Dearing report and its impact on higher education in the UK is the
restructuring of financial support for students)
- Phyllis Franklin, "The Debate over College Costs," MLA
Newsletter 29.3 (1997): 5-6
- Arthur M. Hauptman, with Jamie P. Merisotis, The College Tuition
Spiral: An Examination of Why Charges Are Increasing, A Report to the
College Board and the American Council on Education (Washington,
D.C. / New York: American Council on Education and the College Board,

- D. Bruce Johnstone, The Costs of Higher Education: An Essay on
the Comparative Financing of Universities (Buffalo, NY: Comparative
Education Center, Graduate School of Education, State Univ. of New York
at Buffalo, 1989)
- Los Angeles Times, "Lower Costs for Higher Education
Urged," Jan. 22, 1998, p. A16 ("Urging colleges and
universities to become more cost-efficient, [the National Commision on
the Cost of Higher Education] said these institutions bear prime
responsibility for putting a stop to the soaring costs of higher
- New Millenium Project ("multi-year
study of higher education costs, pricing, and productivity")
(Institute for Higher Education Policy)
- Martin Parker and Jude Courtney,
or Nurseries? Education, Professionals and Taxpayers" ("Our
central contention . . . is that we should allocate no more money to
universities, and possibly think about spending a great deal less . . .
because other forms of education - nursery education is our main example
- are both more needy and more justifiable when public sector funding is
limited") (Center for Social Theory and Technology, Keele U.)
- William Reiser, ed., Love of Learning, Desire for Justice:
Undergraduate Education and the Option for the Poor (Scranton, PA:
Univ. of Scranton Press, 1995)

- Michael Rogers Rubin and Mary Taylor Huber, with Elizabeth Lloyd
Taylor, The Knowledge Industry in the United States, 1960-1980
(Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986), Ch. 4 on "Education"
- William Brand Simpson, Cost Containment for Higher Education:
Strategies for Public Policy and Institutional Administration (New
York: Praeger, 1991)

- Carol A. Twigg,
Technology a Silver Bullet?" (1996) (Educom Review)
- Leroy F. Searle, "Institutions and Intellectuals: A Modest
Proposal," Profession 1996,
pp. 15-25
- Student Financial Aid / Students Working
During College
- Lynn Olson, The School and Work Revolution: How Employers and
Educators are Joining Forces to Prepare Tomorrow's Skilled Workers
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997)

- David Stern
- "Institutions and Incentives for Developing Work-Related
Knowledge and Skill," in
P. Adler
(1992), pp. 149-86 (see esp. p. 161 on the rise in numbers
of students working during college: "Economic explanations,
such as the rising cost of college, do not seem to account for
the trend. . . . The fact that most students now
hold paid jobs during the school years can exacerbate problems
of motivation and performance.")
- with Y.F. Nakata, "Paid Employment Among U.S. College
Students: Trends, Effects, and Possible Causes," Journal
of Higher Education 62 (1991): 25-43
The Rewards of Education in the Workplace
- Job, Salary, and Status
- I. Berg, Education and Jobs: The Great Training Robbery
(New York: Praeger, 1970)
- Howard R. Bowen, Investment in Learning: The Individual and
Social Value of American Higher Education (rpt.; Baltimore, MD:
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1997)

- John Brennan, et al., ed., Higher Education and Work
(London / Bristol, PA: Jessica Kingsley, 1996) (on the link between
education and work in Europe)

- Phillip Brown and Richard Scase, Higher Education and
Corporate Realities: Class, Culture and the Decline of Graduate
Careers (London / Bristol, PA: UCL, 1994)

- Randall Collins, The Credential Society: An Historical
Sociology of Education and Stratification (New York: Academic,
- The Dearing Report (UK)
(see Featured Controversy) (the Dearing report bases its
recommended restructuring of student financial support in the UK on
the premise that those who in the long run gain the most from higher
education -- i.e., students -- should pay more)
- J. Mincer, Schooling, Experience, and Earnings (New York:
Columbia Univ. Press, 1974)
- Robert Reich,
Class Dogged" (1998) ("I wish I could be as
optimistic as
Russell Mead about the future of today's nonsupervisory
workers, but I can't. . . . Not everyone has to go to
a four-year liberal arts university, but you need the tools. In
order to do the new middle-class job, you need to know the
rudiments, and that may entail something beyond high school") (Mother
Jones Interactive)
- Skills
- Productivity
& Economic Development
- William E. Becker and Darrell R. Lewis, ed.
- The Economics of American Higher Education (Boston:
Kluwer Academic, 1992)

- Higher Education and Economic Growth (Boston: Kluwer
Academic, 1993)
- E. Dean, ed., Education and Economic
Productivity (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1984)
- The Higher-Education-Economic Development Connection:
Emerging Roles for Public Colleges and Universities in a Changing
Economy (Washington, D.C.: Amer. Assoc. of State Colleges &
Universities, 1986)
- Klaus Hufner, et al., Efficiency in Higher Education: An
Annotated Bibliography (Frankfurt am Main / New York: Peter
Lang, 1988)
- D.W. Jorgenson, "The Contribution of Education to U.S.
Economic Growth, 1948-73," in Dean (1984)
- R.J. Murnane, "Education and the Productivity of the
Workforce: Looking Ahead," in R.E. Litan et al., eds., American
Living Standards: Threats and Challenges (Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institute, 1988)
Economics of Educational Institutions
The Fiscal Crisis of Higher Education
- J.L. Azad, Higher Education in India: The Deepening Financial Crisis
(New Delhi: Radiant, 1988)
- Howard R. Bowen, The Costs of Higher Education: How Much Do Colleges
and Universities Spend Per Student and How Much Should They Spend? (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1980)
- Business Week, "The
New U.: A Tough Market is Reshaping Colleges," Dec. 22, 1997: 96-102
- Council for Aid to Education, Breaking the Social Contract: The Fiscal
Crisis in Higher Education (New York: Council for Aid to Education, 1997)
- The Dearing Report (UK) (see Featured
Controversy) (this report guiding the current restructuring of higher
education in the UK diagnoses a "financial crisis" in higher education
caused by the combination of expanding enrollment and declining public financial
- James R. Mingle and Associates, ed., Challenges of Retrenchment (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1981)
- Kenneth P. Mortimer and Michael L. Tierney, "The Three 'R's' of the
Eighties: Reduction, Reallocation and Retrenchment," AAHE-ERIC Higher
Education Research Report #4, 1979 (Washington, D.C.: American Assoc. for
Higher Education, 1979), pp. 34-35
- Alan Ryan (Oxford U.), "The
American Way" (1999) ("The British university system is in a
mess. To combine successfully mass higher education with elite excellence,
it must follow the decentralised US model. It must introduce differentiated
tuition fees, allow a mixture of public and private funding, and give up the
pretence of uniform standards") (Prospect)
Productivity / Workload of Educators
- Stanley Aronowitz and William DiFazio, The Jobless Future:
Sci-Tech and the Dogma of Work (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota
Press, 1994), Chap. 8, "A Taxonomy of Teacher Work"
- James S. Fairweather, Faculty Work and Public Trust: Restoring
the Value of Teaching and Public Service in American Academic Life
(Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1996)

- Robert C. Heterick, Jr. (Educom),
Dreaded 'P' Word" (1995) (Educom Review)
- D. Bruce Johnstone (U. Buffalo / former Chancellor, SUNY),
Productivity: A New Imperative for American Higher Education"
(1992) (Studies in Public Higher Education / Educom)
- William F. Massy (Stanford U.) and Robert Zemsky (U. Penn.),
Information Technology to Enhance Academic Productivity" (1995)
- MLA Commission on Professional Service, "Making Faculty Work
Visible: Reinterpreting Professional Service, Teaching, and Research in
the Fields of Language and Literature," Profession 1996,
pp. 161-216
- New Millenium Project ("multi-year
study of higher education costs, pricing, and productivity")
(Institute for Higher Education Policy)
- John Sperling and Robert W. Tucker, For-Profit Higher Education:
Developing a World-Class Workforce (New Brunswick, N.J.:
Transaction, 1997)

- Carol A. Twigg (SUNY Empire State C),
Productivity in Higher Education - The Need for a Paradigm Shift"
(1992) (Cause/Effect)
- Jon F. Wergin, ed., Analyzing Faculty Workload (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994)
- Samuel R. Williamson (U. of the South),
Change is the Only Constant: Liberal Education in the Age of
Technology" (1996) (Educom Review)
Assessment / Reward of Educators
- "ADE Statement of Good Practice: Teaching, Evaluation, and
Scholarship," ADE Bulletin 113 (1996): 53-55
- Assessment &
Evaluation in Higher Education (journal; only tables of
content are online)
- Howard R. Bowen, Academic Compensation: Are Faculty and Staff in
American Higher Education Adequately Paid? (New York: Teachers
Insurance and Annuity Assoc., College Retirement Equities Fund, 1978)
- Larry A. Braskamp and John C. Ory, Assessing Faculty Work:
Enhancing Individual and Institutional Performance (San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 1994)
- Michael J. Bugeja, Academic Socialism: Merit and Morale in Higher
Education (Washington, D.C.: Orchises, 1994)

- Robert M. Diamond and Bronwyn E. Adam, ed.
- , The Disciplines Speak: Rewarding the Scholarly,
Professional, and Creative Work of Faculty (Washington, D.C.:
American Assoc. for Higher Education, 1995)
- Sandra E. Elman and Sue M. Smock, Professional Service and
Faculty Rewards: Toward an Integrated Structure (Washington,
D.C.: National Assoc. of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges,
- Recognizing Faculty Work: Reward Systems for the Year 2000
(San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993)
- Modern Language Association
- MLA Commission on Professional Service, "Making Faculty Work
Visible: Reinterpreting Professional Service, Teaching, and Research
in the Fields of Language and Literature," Profession
1996, pp. 161-216
- MLA Committee on Computers and Emerging Technologies in Teaching
and Research, "Guidelines for Evaluating Computer-Related Work
in the Modern Languages," Profession 1996, pp.
The Controversy over Tenure
Growth / Downsizing in Administration
- Academe, "Administrators Salaries Outstrip Inflation,"
82 (1996)
- Barbara Bergmann, "Bloated Administration, Blighted Campuses,"
Academe 77 (1991): 12-16
Employment / Labor Issues in Education
- General Resources
- American Federation of
Teachers -- AFL-CIO |
AFT Higher
Education Page
- Selected Higher Education Resources
Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Higher
Education Act August, 1997
- The Truth
About Tenure in Higher Education
Statement on Part-Time Faculty Employment
- Teaming
Up with Technology: How Unions Can Harness the Technology
Revolution on Campus (two downloadable files in Word for
Windows or Adobe Acrobate formats)
- Local
Faculty and Teaching Assistant Unions/Associations
- Stanley Aronowitz
- and William DiFazio, The Jobless Future: Sci-Tech and the
Dogma of Work (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1994),
Chap. 8, "A Taxonomy of Teacher Work" (this chapter is
a brutally honest and detailed survey of the occupational
structure and conditions of work in higher education;
particularly attentive to the difference between the several
tiers of higher-education institutions in the U.S.)
- Andrew Long, with Tara McGann,
Higher Ed: An Interview with Stanley Aronowitz" 91998)
- J. Victor Baldridge, Assessing the Impact of Faculty
Collective Bargaining (Washington, D.C.: American Assoc. for
Higher Education, 1981)
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
(U.S. Dept. of Labor)
- Tomorrow's
Jobs (general forecast for 1994-2005)
- Occupational
Outlook Handbook (detailed description of what various
jobs involve and forecasts for employment opportunities through
- Chronicle
of Higher Education: Resources on Tenure, Unionization, and
the Academic Job Market (requires subscription)
- Nona Fienberg, "'The Most of It': Hiring at a Nonelite
College," Profession 1996,
pp. 73-78
- John Guillory, "Preprofessionalism: What Graduate Students
Want," Profession 1996,
pp. 91-99 (argues that the current "preprofessionalism" of
literature graduate students under the gun of the sparse job
market--as attested by the perceived need to publish and give
papers--is an extreme form of the "phantasmic" desires of
the literature profession generally, caught as it is in the paradox
between its long-term decline in social centrality and its
imitation/internalization of mainstream organizational and
productivity norms; also links the present hyper-politicization of
literary studies to its social marginality)
- Mark A. Johnson, "Professions Beyond the Academy,"
Profession 1996, pp. 60-68
- Mark D. Johnson and Kenneth P. Mortimer, Faculty Bargaining
and the Politics of Retrenchment in the Pennsylvania State Colleges,
1971-1976 (University Park, PA: Center for the Study of Higher
Education, 1977), pp. 47-68
- Lori G. Kletzer, "Young and Highly Educated in the 1990s:
Job Prospects in the Professional Labor Market," Profession
1995 (New York: MLA, 1995), pp. 51-55
- Paul Lauter (Trinity C., Conn.),
Against Cutbacks" (1998) (Workplace)
- Modern Language Association
- Profession 1996 (New
York: MLA, 1996) (esp. the section on "Confronting the
Current Job Market")
- Report of the MLA Committee on Professional Employment
(New York: MLA, 1997)
- National Academy of Sciences, A Century of Doctorates: Data
Analyses of Growth and Change (Washington, D.C.: National
Academy of Sciences, 1978)
- Cary Nelson (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- Manifesto of a Tenured Radical (New York and London:
New York Univ. Press, 1997)

- ed., Will Teach for Food:
American Labor in Crisis (Minneapolis, MN: Univ. of
Minnesota Press, 1997)

- "What
Hath English Wrought: The Corporate University's Fast Food
Discipline" (1998) (Workplace)
- "Should
Distance Learning be Rationed? Point/Counterpoint with Larry Gold
& James R. Mingle" (1996) ("The recent American
Federation of Teachers report on How Unions Can Harness the
Technology Revolution on Campus issued several recommendations
on how to improve technology decision-making and use at U.S.
institutions of higher education") (Educom Review)
- Workplace: The
Journal for Academic Labor (Graduate Student Caucus)
- The Part-Time Labor
Crisis (see also
Part-Time, Temp, Flexible Labor on Postindustrial Business
Principles page)
- American Assoc. of University Professors (AAUP), "Report on
the Status of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty," in Policy
Documents and Reports (Washington, D.C.: AAUP, 1995)
- Stanley Aronowitz and William DiFazio, The Jobless Future:
Sci-Tech and the Dogma of Work (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota
Press, 1994), Chap. 8, "A Taxonomy of Teacher Work," esp.
pp. 255 ff. on adjunct academic positions (this chapter is a
brutally honest and detailed survey of the occupational structure
and conditions of work in higher education; particularly attentive
to the difference between the several tiers of higher-education
institutions in the U.S.)
- Cary Nelson (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- Manifesto of a Tenured Radical (New York and London:
New York Univ. Press, 1997), Chap. 10, "Late Capitalism
Arrives on Campus: The Corporate University's Expendable

- "What
Hath English Wrought: The Corporate University's Fast Food
Discipline" (1998) (Workplace), esp. the
section on "Our Hands Are Dirty," paragraphs 29 ff.
- Linda Ray Pratt, "Disposable Faculty: Part-Time Exploitation
as Management Strategy," in Nelson,
ed., Will Teach for Food (1997), pp. 264-77
- Perry Robinson, Part-Time Faculty Issues (Washington,
D.C.: American Federation of Teachers, 1994)
- Karen Thompson, "Alchemy in the Academy: Moving Part-Time
Faculty from Piecework to Parity," in Nelson,
ed., Will Teach for Food (1997), pp. 278-90