California State University System "Technology Infrastructure Initiative: Partnering for Knowledge
(If you have an interest in writing an overview of the relevant issues, documents, and/or press coverage, please
write. Overviews should be more or less balanced, and may combine analysis with reporting. For an example, see
Overview of the New Zealand "Green Paper" Controversy.)
Technology Infrastructure Initiative (TII) Supporting Partnership Plan (the plan to create a limited liability corporation "comprised of the four
corporate partners [GTE, Fujitsu, Hughes, and Microsoft] and the CSU auxiliary")
Los Angeles Times, "A Farewell Warning," Jan. 7, 1998: B2 ("As he assumes his new job . . . former Chancellor Barry
Munitz delivers a stark pronouncement to those who protest Cal State's creative financial arrangments")
Los Angeles Times, "Microsoft Dropped from University Partnership," April 17, 1998: D1, D5 (coverage of new developments in the
controversial Cal State system plan to partner with major technology firms) | see also C/Net,
"Microsoft Drops Out of College Deal" (Apr. 16, 1998)
Los Angeles Times, (Editorial) "Wiring the Campuses: Cal State's Ambitious Cyberplan Needs Careful Vetting," May 9, 1998: B7
Los Angeles Times, "Will Technology Commercialize Higher Learning?" Jan. 19, 1998: D6 (". . . some academics are starting
to view their institutions as emergent clones of market-driven high-tech companies instead of as universities and colleges")