The Idea of the
University: General Resources
More Info (see policy on "more
info" links)
- American Council on Education
- Charles J. Andersen, Fact Book on Higher Education 1997 (Phoenix, AZ: Oryx, 1998)
- Assoc. of American Colleges and Universities
- Assoc. of University Teachers (UK) ("trade union and professional association representing all types of
professional staff across the UK higher education")
- Ernest L. Boyer
- A Classification of Higher Education 1994 (Technical Report) (Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1994)
- College: The Undergraduate Experience in America (1988; rpt. Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1997)
- Chronicle of Higher Education | Academe Today
(requires subscription)
- California Citizens Commission on Higher Education (privately funded "group of prominent individuals who are
concerned about the future of education")
- California Postsecondary Education Commission ("citizen board established in 1974 by the [California]
Legislature and Governor to provide them with independent, non-partisan policy analysis and recommendations about California education beyond the high school
and to coordinate the efforts of California's colleges and universities in order to 'assure the effective utilization of public postsecondary education
resources, thereby eliminating waste and unnecessary duplication, and to promote diversity, innovation, and responsiveness to student and societal needs' ")
- Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges (U.S.)
- CVCP: The Voice of UK Universities | Links to Other Sites Relating to
Higher Ed in the UK
- ERIC: Clearinghouse on Higher Education (Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington
- James W. Fonseca and Alice C. Andrews, The Atlas of American Higher Education (New York: New York U. Press, 1993)
- HEPROC: Higher Education Processes Network (many online forums, with archives, on issues relating to the restructuring
and technologization of higher ed) | Forums
- Institute for Higher Education Policy ("non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to foster access
to and quality in postsecondary education")
- Modern Language Association
- National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Eduction (UK) ("appointed with bipartisan support on 10
May 1996 to make recommendations on how the purposes, shape, structure, size and funding of higher education, including support for students, should develop to
meet the needs of the United Kingdom over the next 20 years")
- NEA: National Education Organization (U.S.) | NEA Online Today
- RAND Featured Titles: Education Studies (abstracts) (RAND)
- Times Higher Education Supplement Internet Service (requires free registration) (Times of
- U.S. Office of Education: Office of Postsecondary Education