Academic Diversity Issues
General Resources
Affirmative Action on Campus
Multiculturalism and the "Culture Wars"
"Globalism" and the Academy
"Canon" Debate
More Info (see policy on
"more info" links)
General Resources
- Affirmative Action and
Diversity: A Web Page for Research (large, well-organized set of
pages with links and info designed to present "diverse opinions
regarding Affirmative Action topics. The site also houses policy
documents and an annotated bibliography of research and teaching
materials") (Carl Gutiérrez-Jones, U. California, Santa
- CLNet
Diversity Page (U. California)
- Diversity Web
("links Colleges and Universities that are working to engage the
diversity of United States society in educational mission, campus
climate, curriculum focus and connections with the larger society")
(Assoc. of American Colleges and Universities / U. Maryland) |
Diversity Resources
- Dinesh D'Souza, Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex
on Campus (New York: Free Press / Macmillan, 1991)
Affirmative Action on Campus
- Affirmative Action and
Diversity: A Web Site for Research (large, well-organized set of
pages with links and info designed to present "diverse opinions
regarding Affirmative Action topics. The site also houses policy
documents and an annotated bibliography of research and teaching
materials") (Carl Gutiérrez-Jones, U. California, Santa
- Amy Allina, Beyond Standardized Tests : Admissions Alternatives
that Work (Cambridge, MA: Fair Test, 1987)
- Hillel Black, The Truth About College Entrance Exams and Other
Standardized Tests (New York: Hart, 1963)
- Michael J. Bugeja, Academic Socialism: Merit and Morale in Higher
Education (Washington, D.C.: Orchises, 1994)
- Steven M. Cahn
- ed., Affirmative Action and the University: A Philosophical
Inquiry (Philadelphia, PA: Temple Univ. Press, 1993)
- ed., The Affirmative Action Debate (New York: Routledge,
- Diversity Web
- Affirmative
- Institutional
Diversity Initiatives
- David F. Labaree, How to Succeed in School Without Really
Learning: The Credentials of Race in American Education (New Haven,
CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1997)

- "Making
Education Work for Mäori" (Adobe Acrobat files)
(Ministry of Education, New Zealand)
- Karen J. Maschke, ed., Educational Equity (New York: Garland,

- David McCallum, The Social Production of Merit: Education,
Psychology, and Politics in Australia, 1900-1950 (London /New York:
Falmer, 1990)
- Minority
Affairs Forum (information and resources on immigration,
affirmative action, and race relations) (Norm Matloff, UC Davis)
- Jeanne Oakes, Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality
(New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1985)
- Felix M. Padilla, The Struggle of Latino/a University Students
(New York: Routledge, 1997)

- Representations
55 (Summer 1996): Special Issue on "Race and Representation:
Affirmative Action" (includes excerpts from the articles)
- Univ.
of California Decisions (Affirmative Action and Diversity Page)
- Women in Higher Education
(monthly newsletter)
Multiculturalism and the "Culture Wars"
- Eliese Sherman Abram & Marcela Grosner (U. Toronto),
and Education" (1996) ("Part one reviews Ontario
Government documents regarding Curriculum, Technology, and Multicultural
and Antiracist Education Guidelines. . . . Part two
examines Web sites suitable for utilization in a course of study that
might require multicultural resources")
- C.L. Barney Dews and Carolyn Leste Law, ed., This Fine Place So
Far from Home: Voices of Academics from the Working Class
(Philadelphia, PA: Temple Univ. Press, 1995)

- Paul Berman, ed., Debating P.C.: The Controversy over Political
Correctness on College Campuses (New York: Dell, 1992)
- Daniel Brandt,
and the Ruling Elite" (1993) ("Opportunity is rapidly
vanishing, poorly masked by an institutionalized preference for
diversity. Leftist academics in ivory towers are hooked on designer
victimology but fail to notice the real victims -- the entire next
generation. Meanwhile the rich get richer. Have a nice New World Order")
(NameBase NewsLine)
- Broad Minds Collective, Ourselves as Students: Multicultural
Voices in the Classroom (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Univ.
Press, 1996)

- Chronicle of Higher Education,
Artist Unexpectedly Finds Herself Transformed Into a Technology
Advocate", June 12, 1998: A23 ("Va. Tech's Lucinda Roy
pushes to insure minority students aren't left out of the computer
revolution") (online version for Chronicle subscribers
- Culture
and Affirmative Action (Carl Gutiérrez-Jones, U.
California, Santa Barbara)
- Diversity
Dictionary ("guide to specific uses of terms used within the
diversity community") (Diversity Web)
- "The
Economy and Its Impact on the Religious Right" ("multiculturalism
is a genuine phenomenon in the New Communities. . . .
this multiculturalism can be attributed to some degree to the liberal
[and 'politically correct'] university educations most residents have
received. But there seems to be a broader, more fundamental process at
work here: to put it crassly, money! Participation in the economic
process . . . demands a multicultural ethic. Why? . . .
the multinational corporation") (Institute for the Study of
Religion in Politics)
- Electronic
Resources for Ethnic Studies (Ethnic Studies, USC)
- Ethnic World
Survey (links to ethnic, native, and national resources around the
world) (CIEMEN)
- Africa
- Americas
- Asia
- Europe
- Oceania
- Geneva Gay (U. Washington, Seattle),
"A Synthesis of
Scholarship in Multicultural Education" (overview essay)
(Mining Company)
- Todd Gitlin, The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America is
Wracked by Culture Wars (New York: Henry Holt, 1995) (esp. Chap. 5, "Marching
on the English Department While the Right Took the White House")

- Nathan Glazer, We Are All Multiculturalists Now (Cambridge,
MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1997)

- David Theo Goldberg ed., Multiculturalism: A Critical Reader
(Cambridge, Mass., and Oxford: Blackwell, 1994)
- Avery F. Gordon and Christopher Newfield, ed., Mapping
Multiculturalism (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1996)

- Christian Gregory (U. Florida),
Future of an Illusion" (1998) (Workplace)
- Gregory S. Jay, American Literature and the Culture Wars
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1997)

- Alvin Kernan, ed., What's Happened to the Humanities?
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1997)
| Preannouncement
by Kernan: "A New Volume of Essays: Changes in the Humanities
since World War II"
- Lawrence W. Levine, The Opening of the American Mind: Canons,
Culture, and History (Boston: Beacon, 1996)

- "The
Many Voices of Diversity" (1992) (report of the Librarians
Association of the Univ. of California whose premise is "that in
order for the University to maintain its eminent position as a global
research institution it must strengthen its collections and services
which deal with under-represented groups within California")
- Peter McLaren, ed., Revolutionary Multiculturalism: Pedagogies of
Dissent for the New Millennium (Boulder, Colorado: Westview /
HarperCollins, 1997)

- Meaghan Morris (U. of Technology, Sydney),
& Stones & Stereotypes" (1997) (Morris on political
correctness) (Australian Humanities Review)
- Multicultural
Education (Mining Company)
- Multicultural
Resources (Multicultural and International Center, La Salle U.)
- Multiculturalism
in Higher Education Bibliography (annotated)
- Multiculturalism
& Curriculum Development (annotated)
- Multiculturalism
Theory Bibliography (annotated)
- Multiculturalism
and Disability: A Collection of Resources and Issues (includes
annotated bibliography) (Susan O'Connor, Syracuse U.)
- National Association of
Scholars (NAS) (pro-canon, anti-political-correctness, anti-theory
professional organization of literary scholars; "the only academic
organization dedicated to the restoration of intellectual substance,
individual merit, and academic freedom in the university")
- Cary Nelson, Manifesto of a Tenured Radical (New York and
London: New York Univ. Press, 1997)

- Martha C. Nussbaum, Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of
Reform in Liberal Education (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press,

- Standards: An
International Journal of Multicultural Studies |
Issue on
Education (1997)
- Bruce Robbins, "Othering the Academy: Professionalism and
Multiculturalism," Social Research 58 (1991):355-72
- Kevin Lee Thomason, J.D., "The
Binary Split: Race and Technology at the End of the 20th Century"
("how recent advances in information technology will affect this
already divided country") (Seamless Website)
- Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, "Multiculturalism Can Be Taught Only
by Multicultural People," Phi Delta Kappan 71 (1990):
- David C. Troy, "The
Limits of Multiculturalism Establishing Standards for Cultural
Exchange and Human Rights" (1995)
- U.
Maryland Diversity Database ("comprehensive resource index of
multicultural and cultural diversity resources")
- Web
Resources for Multiculturalism in Education (TIPS: Teacher's
Internet Pages)
- John Wilson, The Myth of Political Correctness: The Conservative
Attack on Higher Education (Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1995)
- Peter Lamborn Wilson,
Multiculturalism" ("Let there be no mistake:
multiculturalism is a strategy designed to save "America" as
an idea, and as a system of social control")
"Globalism" and the Academy
The "Canon" Debate
- African
American Cultural Literacy (gravity)
- Harold Bloom (Yale U.)
- The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages (New
York: Riverhead, 1994)
- The
Western Canon, by Harold Bloom (publisher's info page
about the book; includes b/w version of the cover with Raphael's
School of Athens and a small set of hyperlinked
quotations) (Riverhead Books)
- Marion Long,
with Harold Bloom: A Western Canon, Jr. ("Recently,
Bloom shared exclusively with HomeArts his ideas about the
authors and books that might form A Western Canon, Jr.--an
imagined book about the best of Western literature for children.
When we talked with Bloom in his home near the Yale University
campus, he showed all the enthusiasm of a child as he spoke
about his past and present as a reader") (HomeArts Network,
Hearst Corp.)
- The Canon and
the Web (site for a special session at the Modern Language Assoc.
convention, Dec. 1996) (Alan Liu, U. California, Santa Barbara, and
Laura Mandell, Miami U., Ohio)
- The
Concept of Literary Canon: An Overview (Kathryn B. Stockton, U.
Utah, and George Landow, Brown U. / Victorian Web)
- Cultural
Literacy: Culture as a Field of Contest (quotations from recent
critical and theoretical works that bear on the issue of canonicity)
(Laura Mandell, Miami U., Ohio)
- Matthew M. Davis (U. Virginia),
Association of Literary Scholars and Critics" (laudatory info
piece on the conservative ALSC, here called a "counterrevolutionary
organization" that "would combat this decay, a society that
would promote high standards and scholarly research instead of
deconstruction and trendy theorizing") |
Update on
the 1st national (U. S.) conference of the ALSC in 9/95
- David Denby,
Books: My Adventures with Homer, Rousseau, Woolf, and Other
Indestructible Writers of the Western World (description of
1996 book) (Simon & Schuster)
- T.S. Eliot,
and the Individual Talent" (Project Bartleby)
- Robert M. Fowler (Baldwin-Wallace C., Ohio),
"The Fate
of the Notion of Canon in the Electronic Age" (1994)
- Great Contemporary
Literature (Hatteras: A Journal of Conservative Thought /
- John Guillory, Cultural Capital: The Problem of Literary Canon
Formation (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993)

- E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
- Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know (New
York: Vintage, 1988) [orig. pub. 1987]
- The Dictionary of
Cultural Literacy: What Is It? (brief description of the book
by Hirsch) (IntelliFinger Reference Engine, Inso Corp.)
- Paul Lauter, Canons and Contexts (New York: Oxford Univ.
Press, 1991)
- Alan Liu (U. California, Santa Barbara),
Revision: History, Theory, Practice" (graduate seminar) |
Dreaming (online anthologies and courses designed by students)
- Robin Markowitz,
the Popular"
- The Master Works of
Western Civilization ("hypertext-annotated compilation of
lists of major works recommended by Drs. Adler and Eliot, Charles Van
Doren, Anthony Burgess, Clifton Fadiman, the Easton Press, and many
others"; links to online texts) (Mason West)
- NASSR-L (Discussion List of the North American
Society for the Study of Romanticism)
- Discussion
Thread on Recent Romanticism Anthologies & the Canon (Oct.
1995 - Feb. 1996) (Laura Mandell, Miami U., Ohio / Romanticism
on the Net)
- Discussion
Thread on Felicia Hemans, Aesthetics, Sentiment, and the Canon
(July 1997) (Romantic Circles)
- Trevor Ross (Dalhousie U.),
Emergence of 'Literature': Making and Reading the English Canon in the
Eighteenth Century" (1996) (ELH; only accessible to
institutions subscribing to Project Muse)
- Romantic Circles:
Anthologies Page (provides "comprehensive list of all the
major anthologies currently available for the study of Romantic
literature, tables of content for those anthologies, supplementary
anthologies that assist the study of Romantic literature, and errata for
various anthologies") (Harriet Linkin, Laura Mandell, Rita Raley) |
(see also NASSR-L
Discussion of Recent Romanticism Anthologies & the Canon (Oct.
1995 - Feb. 1996))
- The "Rutgers
Reading List" (an attempt by a Rutgers professer to remember
the shape of the "classic" or "traditional" English
literature major by "reconstructing the English comprehensive
reading list used at one eastern liberal arts college [Dartmouth]
between the 1940s and the mid-1960s, the specific purpose of which was
to guide reading for senior comprehensive examinations"; this list
has been circulating in "underground" manuscript form among
students at various colleges) (William C. Dowling, Rutgers U.)
- The
Western Canon ("the purpose of this site is to provide a
single location where the Internet community can come and find links to
the most important written works of western civilization") (Paul
John Barnette, Jr.)
- What
Should You Read? Who Says So? ("The list below includes
almost 900 recommendations found in a variety of sources identifying
'important' books") (Alexander H. McIntire, Jr., U. Miami)
Special thanks to
The Affirmative Action and
Diversity Project: A Web Page for Research (Carl
Gutiérrez-Jones, with
Rita Raley,
U. California, Santa Barbara) for some of the citations on this page.